Case Studies
Explore real-world examples of how our services help solution providers to establish meaningful connections, increase brand awareness, and stand out in the competitive and ever changing public sector landscape.
Digital Marketing Services
Transform Your Public Sector Lead Generation: GovNet's Success with Current Health Revealed
Explore how GovNet's tailored digital campaigns, showcased in the Current Health case study, generated influential NHS, private hospital, and health board leads. Gain insights into impressive results like over 75% of leads qualified and 1152 campaign impressions.
Drinks Receptions
Public Sector Leadership Evening: Bridging the Gap
On 28th June 2023, GovNet organised an exclusive Public Sector Leadership Evening at the iconic Gherkin in London. This invite-only event not only served as a platform for insightful panel discussions but also highlighted the significant benefits of fostering collaboration and networking within the public and private sectors.
Breakfast Briefings
Success in Government Engagement: Verint’s Breakfast Briefing Sponsorship
Verint, The Customer Engagement Company®️, faced the challenge of reaching specific decision-makers within central and local government departments. To address this, they partnered with GovNet Technology for a Breakfast Briefing at the House of Lords aiming to engage with C-level and Director decision-makers in Technology.